I Stand At
The Door &

about Grace 2 Salvation


Raising up the people of God for His kingdom here on earth, by reaching out with wisdom, witness, willingness, the word and hugs through Bible study, teaching, prayer, grief discussion, and counseling.


To embrace one another with Christ love, and support, teaching and sharing through Hope, Understanding, and Grace 2 Salvation (HUGS). Helping God's children to find new life with Christ through HUGS and to be overcomers by offering forgiveness and acceptance through new birth in Jesus Christ.


Is to help all of God's people to look beyond their faults and past to become the person God has created them to be. To help them find their God given purpose and to use their God given talents to help build His kingdom here on earth for them to do the same for others. Doing this by showing and teaching them how to obtain and live with Hope, Understanding, and Grace 2 Salvation so they can go out and show and tell others about the God we serve to win souls through HUGS.

I Stand At The Door & Knock

Pauline Henley has answered the knock and called on her life in many ways. She is a grief Minister, a loving mother, grandmother, great grandmother, has served this Country in the US Army, a Drill Sergeant, Instructor, in the Federal Government, coaching, sharing, helping, inspiring, mentoring, teaching and solving issues. During her many tours and travels she has met some great people and all of them have been inspiring and contributed to the writing of this book.
She is grateful for all God has done, is doing and will continue to do and for the people He has allowed to cross her path and she truly hopes you enjoy reading this book.
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